status / syncmon



show-syncmap [options]
The "show-syncmap" command generates a list of monitored nodes and their
current status

Example input:
"show-syncmap --polltime 10 --sort-by offset --range 2h --filter ERR"
  will show a list of all monitored nodes, sorted by offset, which uses only the
  data collected in the last 2 hours. Only entries which contain the string "ERR" are

Example output:
 SyncMon: 2019-01-01T00:00:00           Range: 30 minutes
 Name                  Error-Status                   Offset  (StdDev) 1ns       1us       1ms       1s
       NTP_100.0.0.1 | OK:  Normal-Operation        | -207ms  (11.0ms) |-------------------------(|)
       NTP_100.0.0.2 | OK:  Normal-Operation        | +22.4us (53.4us) |-------------| )
       NTP_100.0.0.3 | OK:  Normal-Operation        | No data!         |
       NTP_100.0.0.4 | OK:  Normal-Operation        | Not in range!    |
 Nodes: 4            | OK: 4         ERR: 0         |  22.4us..207ms   |

Explanation of the columns:
"Name" displays the name of the node.
"Error-Status" displays the current status.
"Offset" displays the time-offset and standard deviation or an error-message.
The last column is the diagram version of column offset, which visualizes the results.
  The pipe-symbol is the offset and the brackets are the standard deviation.

The final row of the table displays a summary of the results.
"Name" displays the count of the displayed nodes.
"Error-Status" displays the count of nodes with OK- and ERR-Status.
"Offset" displays the min- and max-offset of the displayed nodes.
sort-bysorts the list by "name", "offset", "deviation" or "both"
group-errorsgroups and sorts by error-codes
rangedefines which time range should be used for the data
filteruses a regular expression filter on the result to filter the list entries
See also:
/status/syncmon: syncmon status
/status/syncmon/monitor-syncmap: generates a list of monitored nodes and updates it

REST-API Support:

This command is supported by the REST API:

Method: PUT
URL: /api/status/syncmon/show-syncmap

Example using curl:
curl -X PUT /api/status/syncmon/show-syncmap