
service [service] [status|start|stop|restart]
The "service" command allows the control of a service.
The "start" argument will start the service process if it is not already running. Please note
that a network service has to be enabled for each virtual interface in order to be
accessible via the IP address(es) of that interface. That means that even when you
start a specific service but did not enable it on any virtual interface, it will not be
usable for remote hosts.

The "stop" argument is used to stop a service if it is not already running. Please note that this will
result in a complete stop on all interfaces, as the service process itself is terminated.

The "status" argument will check if the service is running and then prints the
result of this check.

The "restart" argument will stop and start the service.

REST-API Support:

This command is not supported.