
monitor [log]
The "monitor" command allows to monitor system states.

Some sub commands allow to specify a filter string which will filter the output.

 "monitor syslog ntp" will only print syslog entries containing the
string "ntp".
 "monitor linkstate lan6" will only print the link state of port lan6.

The following states can be monitored:

"monitor cpuload"
  monitors the current cpu-usage

"monitor devices"
  monitors the system components, i.e. installed modules and hardware inventory data

"monitor ip [filterstring]"
  monitors active network interfaces and can be filtered using more arguments

"monitor lantimelog [filterstring]"
  monitors the status log of the LANTIME

"monitor linkstate [filterstring]"
  monitors the current LINK state of installed physical network ports

"monitor lldp [filterstring]"
  monitors neighboring nodes detected by link discovery

"monitor memory"
  monitors the current memory-usage

"monitor moduleinfo"
  monitors the module-info from all available modules

"monitor modules"
  monitors loaded drivers and other kernel modules

"monitor mrs"
  monitors the mrs-table

"monitor network [filterstring]"
  monitors the current network status

"monitor ntp-conf-file"
  monitors the ntp-configuration file

"monitor power"
  monitors the power-status

"monitor processes [filterstring]"
  monitors a list of all running processes

"monitor route"
  monitors the routing table entries

"monitor syslog [filterstring]"
  monitors system log entries

"monitor updatestatus"
  monitors the update progress while the LANTIME is updating

"monitor version [-v]"
  monitors the software versions, -v additionally lists all package versions

The "monitor" command will print out the current state and then update its output
every 10 seconds. If you want to show a specific state only once, please see the
"show" command.
See also:
show: show system states.
monitor-alarms: lists all currently active alarms and then updates its output continously.

REST-API Support:

This command is not supported.