
fdm-stream [ip:port] [--tcp|--udp] [--time=seconds] [--json|--xml|--csv]
The "fdm-stream" command will listen and receives data
from a system that is streaming FDM measurement data.
This transmitting system has to be configured to send
the data stream to the LTOS device running the fdm-steam command.
This "FDM receiver" configuration must include the IP address, port number,
network protocol (TCP/UDP) and the receiver type must be set to "Intermediate"
in order to allow fdm-stream to correctly decode the information sent.

By default the fdm-stream command listens to a tcp-port and generates the output
in JSON format (alternative output formats can be specified, if required).
If no IP address is specified, the command accepts data streams for any destination IP address.

fdm-stream --tcp
fdm-stream --udp --time=10 --json
ip:portIP address with port123.123.123.123:12345
tcplisten via tcp
udplisten via udp
timesecondsSets a timelimit for how long it should receive the data10
xmlshows in XML format
jsonshows in JSON format
csvshows in CSV format (comma-separated-value)

REST-API Support:

This command is not supported.